INICIJATIVA zbor predstavlja božićni koncert - Glazbenu čaroliju u Maksimiru 

Ove je godine, unatoč pandemiji, zbor Inicijativa pripremio čarobni, muzički, multi-kulturalni događaj, i to na prekrasnom Vidikovcu u čarobnom parku Maksimir. 

Uz zbor Inicijativa nastupiti će i gosti, i to dva zbora "Domaćigosti" i "ZborXop". Nastupaju i solo izvođači Anita May Dijaković, Stephen Breslin, Jana Pelikan na violini, Monika Popović na klarinetu i Patrick Walker.

U subotu, 11.12. u 16:00 pozivamo Vas u park Maksimir na Vidikovac jer, poštujući sve epidemiološke mjere, INICIJATIVA ZBOR ima BOŽIĆNI KONCERT na otvorenom!

Ako ste u Zagrebu, dođite, prošećite po Maksimiru, budite dio ove multikulturalne priče, a možda se i Vi poželite uključiti u zbor! Neka Vam naš božićni koncert bude uvod u najljepše doba godine.

Zahvaljujemo se od srca Veleposlanstvu Irske u RH na donaciji i pomoći u realizaciji eventa.

The INITIATIVE choir presents Musical Magic
a Christmas Concert at Vidikovac, Maksimir.

This year, despite the pandemic, the Initiative Choir has prepared a magical, musical, multi-cultural event at the beautiful and magical park, Maksimir.

Along with the Initiative Choir, there will be two more choirs - "Domaćigosti" and "ZborXop". Solo performers Anita May Dijaković, Stephen Breslin, Jana Pelikan on violin, Monika Popović on clarinet and Patrick Walker will also perform.

On Saturday December 11th, at 4pm, we invite you to Maksimir Park at Vidikovac because the INITIATIVE CHOIR is having an open-air CHRISTMAS CONCERT! (respecting epidemiological measures)

If you are in Zagreb, come, walk around Maksimir, be part of this multicultural story, and maybe you'll want to join the choir yourself! Let our Christmas concert be an introduction to the most beautiful time of the year.

A big thanks from the bottom of our hearts to the Embassy of Ireland for donating and helping in the realization of the event.

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