Digital Marketing, Erasmus, Uncategorized

How To Make The Most Of Your Google and Facebook Reviews!

What to do with your reviews?

Now that you have started generating more reviews, what yo do with them? Show them off as much as you can. 

We use a software call It costs $5 a month and it will allow you to display you reviews on your website with some great display widgets and badges. 

You can display your reviews like this:

Or badges like this

Where to put your reviews -

  • Add Reviews to Your Social Media Ads - Research shows that 88% of consumers believe ads are more trustworthy when they include online reviews. In addition, reviews-based ads get 4x higher click-through rates and a 50% drop in CPC than ads without reviews.
  • Put them all over your website: Put these reviews on homepage, your contact page, Blog page and on your description of your courses pages.
  • Include them in your emails: Put them in your newsletter, and on the footer of all your other emails.

Reviews are super important and will only become a bigger part of your schools sales process. Start collecting them now or your will fall behind your competitors. 

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