Transnational Partner Meeting: Creativity for Innovation, Erasmus+


From the 13th to the 15th of October, we held our first international partner meeting.

The goal of our project is to learn how to use creative methods in working with adults. The core of the method includes three creative methods: reading, creative writing and storytelling.

Over the course of three days, we got to know our partners better as well as presented the goals, effects and the desired outcome of our project.

We were excited on the first day as it usually happens. We didn’t know what to expect from new partners, but we were excited because we knew our topic was very interesting,

After talking over a cup of coffee, we realized that we had made new friends with whom we would carry out an excellent project, but also have a great time.

All members presented their organizations and we learned about the activities, methods and the field of adult education. Alongside the two schools (Initiative and Europass), there was a creative organization which implements storytelling when working with marginalized groups.

We learned a very important piece of information; storytelling is not just a skill of telling stories, but also listening.

We chose a book for the project and the book club, which was Leonard and Hungry Paul by Ronan Hession. It is a book about ordinary, unusual people that moved our students.

Impact Exercise in process

On the second day, we dove deeper into the project in order to assign roles and talk about our tasks. Impact exercise helped us with that. We use this exercise when putting the project on paper or when meeting new partners. The goal of the exercise is to get a clearer picture of the impact of our project on our organizations, but most importantly, on our students.

We identified project success indicators and then talked over a cup of coffee to end up, as it usually happens in Croatia, hanging out until late drinking pelinkovac.

The last day was the most fun one. We discussed marketing and dissemination activities.

We settled on a marketing plan and result dissemination plan, selected hashtags, and exchanged Facebook and Instagram accounts. So that everyone keeps busy when we go back to our routine, each partner needs to design a visual identity project.

You will find out what we came up with in a month.

At the end, our guests participated in our Erasmus Days Workshop and the dissemination of our KA1 project "Pokreni Inicijativu". Our guests learned about creative teaching online tools as well as how to entice students to think critically!

It was a great ending to a great project start!

We are grateful to our partners Storytelling Centre, Europass Teacher Academy, Eva and Layla, who madet his experience even better!

Initiative - Centre for Education is the promoter of the international Erasmus+ project with the code number: 2020-1-HR01-KA227-ADU-094782 which is dedicated to the implementation of innovative and creative methods in the work of organizations.

This project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme. Enriching lives, opening minds - Erasmus+

#innovation #creativity #Erasmus+ #education #storytelling #language

Jelena Posavec