As part of the project Pokreni Inicijativu, our teacher Domagoj Biondić participated in a workshop in Bologna, Italy. The project is accepted by the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes as a KA1 activity. The focus of the project is innovative teaching methods development. As part of the project, our employees got an opportunity to learn and gain skills in order to provide better and more comprehensive learning experience to their students. Our partner in this project is the Italian organization ELA: Erasmus+ Training Courses for teachers and educational staff.
Our teacher Domagoj gained valuable experience and knowledge which he then transferred to our colleagues through workshops in Zagreb and Split.
Our colleagues participated in a workshop with the title Effective Classroom Management Strategies for Teachers and other Education Staff.
We transformed theory into practice through many interactive activities. Our teachers learned more about:- Knowledge, practice and tools related to social and emotional learning.
- The importance of group dynamics within the context of cooperation, inclusiveness and affiliation.
- Language usage that supports a growth mindset.
- Four learning techniques.
- Conflict management.

The main result of the workshops is acquiring knowledge, elevating our work and having better teaching methods. Personal skill development implementation is only one aspect. Our teachers will have to develop business skills which will help them achieve excellence in educating students! Workshops like these are a valuable example of transferring knowledge and experience. They are highly motivating for our teams in Zagreb and Split, who implement innovative teaching methods in our curriculum.
The project is funded by the European Union.