Start speaking English

Start your online adventure learning English live (in a group or individually) in virtual classrooms with native speakers! Learn English from the comfort of your own home or office. Your location is no obstacle with the online course.

It doesn't matter whether you like being the centre of attention or not, because during a Callan lesson every student has equal speaking time. This is what makes it different from traditional methods.

Individual courses are one-on-one lessons with a teacher, focused on your personal needs and maximum progress.

The English Business Course is for companies and individuals who want to invest in themselves, their product, and human potential for conducting successful business practices in English.
Learning English
The traditional method of learning doesn't work for everyone. Try a completely different approach to learning, which focuses on listening and speaking the language.
Learn anytime, anywhere
Native speakers
Get rid of fear and mental barriers
Do you want to speak English fearlessly and without a mental barrier? To communicate confidently in English, you need to find a new way of learning that focuses on speaking. At Initiative, we know that a mental block is the source of all your fears and frustrations. This is a common problem which can easily be fixed using the Callan Method. With over 17 years of experience, we have successfully taught thousands of students how to speak English confidently, fearlessly and without a mental barrier.
Our students learn English actively, practising their speaking in every lesson. The aim of the method is to improve listening, comprehension and speaking skills in English. The method focuses on real, spoken English (and not academic).
How to start learning English
at our school?
Choose a time for your free online knowledge test
Be online at the scheduled time, face-to-face with one of our teachers!
Participate in trial lessons and decide if we are the right school for you!
The benefits of learning at our centre

We encourage you to speak actively during the whole lesson, while you learn grammar through conversation with native speakers.

The teachers are native speakers from various English-speaking countries. We simulate real situations, as if you were in, say, New York.

Take advantage of free, additional activities – join our choir, book club, cooking classes and meetups in English.

We offer constant support during your course with individual consultations, and we also track your progress.

The interactive Callan Application for learning and practising

Every student organises consultations with a teacher to talk about challenges they have faced in learning

A group for support, information and fun for all our students

Free revision lessons for our current students
IN A GROUP (5-8 members)0
I 2x2 hours per week (16 hours per month)
monthly membership fee (16h): 128,00 €
3 months (48h): 384,00€ -5% is 364,80 €
6 months (96h): 768,00€ - 10% is 691,20 €
MINI GROUP (3 - 4 members)
| 2 x 2 or 1 x 2 hours per week (8 or 16 hours per month) |
monthly membership fee (16h): €184.00
3 months (48 hours): €552.00 - 5% is €524.40
6 months (96h): €1,104.00 - 10% is €993.60
| Pace, location, and schedule by agreement |
Individual session: €31.00
Semi-individual session: €20.00 per person
Package payment by agreement. A 5% discount is available for 30-hour packages
| Pace, location, and schedule by agreement |
Individual or group
Tailor-made or 20-hour business program
Check out the current business offers or send us an inquiry
- Prices are valid for our members from 16.08.2023.
- Membership is continuous, and you can pay the membership fee in monthly or multi-month installments.
- See the description and duration of the levels here (
- For business users, send an inquiry to [email protected]
- Read below to find out all the benefits, content, and additional hours you get with membership in our Center.
- Check out the FAQ ( to learn more.

“Learning another language is like becoming another person.”
Haruki Murakami

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