Supporting Diversity: Intercultural Classroom Management
Discover innovative strategies to create inclusive and diverse classrooms. Join our course for educators in multicultural settings. Explore intercultural communication, anti-discrimination laws, storytelling, and more
This course is for teachers working in multicultural classes. Diversity challenges traditional teaching strategies and asks for innovative solutions.
These courses can also be funded through the Erasmus+ program. For more
information, please contact your National Agency.
Course overview
In today's globalized classrooms, diverse cultures and identities converge, presenting teachers with unique challenges. Our course equips educators with essential skills to foster inclusivity, combat prejudice, and navigate intercultural classrooms effectively. Through creative workshops, we empower teachers to build resilient, respectful classrooms where students not only learn but also thrive. Additionally, this course provides practical exercises and legal insights for creating diverse and inclusive learning environments.
Learning outcomes
This course empowers participants to:
- Combat prejudice and discrimination using effective tools.
- Promote diversity and inclusion in their classrooms.
- Understand legal instruments for protecting students from discrimination.
- Harness storytelling as a tool for intercultural awareness and social change.
- Enhance competencies for intercultural learning.
- Embrace new approaches for culturally diverse classrooms."
Available dates:
Location: ZAGREB, Croatia
26.05. – 31.05.2025
08.09. – 13.09.2025
09.12. – 14.12.2025

Daily Program
Day 1 – Culture and identity
Introduction to the course, the school, and the external week activities;
Icebreaker activities;
Presentations of the participants’ schools;
Needs and expectations evaluation;
Intercultural classroom as a new challenge for teachers;
Exploring Identity and Culture in the classroom;
Sharing experiences and challenges in your work.
Day 2 – Intercultural communication and stereotypes
Learning about cultural patterns;
Intercultural communication;
High and low context cultures;
Stereotypes and prejudices: their role in the perception process;
Confronting personal prejudices.
Day 3 – Building teachers’ capacities related to anti-discrimination and equality
Learning about EU anti-discrimination legal framework;
Recognizing discrimination – practical empowerment exercises;
Legal protection in case of discrimination;
Understanding your responsibility to preventing discrimination in the group and work environment.
Day 4 – Building teachers’ competencies with storytelling
The role of empathy in human relations;
Storytelling as a tool for intercultural awareness;
Storytelling and social change;
Story circles and intercultural competence development.
Day 5 – Raising awareness and respect for the inclusive classroom
Key competencies for an inclusive classroom;
Emotional investigation;
Practical exercises for building teachers’ capacity.
Day 6 – Course closure & cultural activities
Course evaluation: round-up of acquired competencies, feedback, and discussion;
Awarding of the course Certificate of Attendance;
Excursion and other external cultural activities.
Who is it for?
This Erasmus Plus training course caters to educators, trainers, and teachers seeking to foster trust and open-mindedness in their students. It empowers educators to meet students where they are, making learning more engaging
Language proficiency
This Erasmus Plus training course is most suitable for participants with at least an A2 level of English proficiency. All course materials will be presented in English.
Our course methodology prioritizes active participation and optimal learning experiences, emphasizing:
Theoretical work If you do not know what you are talking about, you will not be able to apply it. Nowadays, more and more emphasis is put on practical learning, yet theory is a necessity. You have to know the background of a subject to be able to pinpoint its challenges.
Practical work Through practical workshops and interactive tasks you will gain personal experience that will help you understand and implement ideas in your own work.
Coaching Each participant in the course will get the opportunity to receive direct feedback from our coaches. These individual consultations will result in being able to better position your skills in your respected organisation.
Each program starts on Monday morning and finishes on Friday evening with Saturday being optional for enjoying cultural activities. Throughout the course, besides training, we will promote professional networking through a variety of social and cultural activities.
Find out more about Erasmus Plus, our organisation and trainers, fees and payment options. | view page |
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