Creativity for Innovation

Project description: 

Initiative - Centre for Education is the holder of an international Erasmus+ project dedicated to innovative and creative learning methods and their implementation in the work of the organisations involved. The project will not only broaden our professional network and allow us to exchange experiences, but we will also work on the development of new methods which will enrichen the programs of every organisation involved. Sharing intercultural dialogue will open the door to further projects and cooperation in the future.
The project will include 3 learning activities and knowledge exchange:

1. Workshop - Learning and Teaching with the Callan Method (CROATIA)

2. Workshop - Creative Writing for Self-Expression (ITALY)

3. Workshop - Storytelling Methods in Adult Education (THE NETHERLANDS)

Storytelling skills have become extremely important in every aspect of work, and are particularly dominant in creative industries and business culture where people can achieve great improvement if they possess storytelling skills. Learning storytelling in English is an added benefit with which one can improve, both personally and professionally, and develop a social network more easily. Besides storytelling, creative writing helps adult learners develop their ideas and thoughts through language and putting stories down on paper. As the official language of the business world, it is extremely important to cultivate and develop one's English through various aspects of life in order for the learning and application of the language to be comprehensive. On the 28th of April 2021, the introductory online meeting of all organizations was held, in which we got to know one another and had a chance to exchange experiences in the implementation of KA2 projects, as well as to set expectations and tasks for achieving these goals. Funded by the European Union Erasmus+ / Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Erasmus+ KA1

Public body:
The Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes

Project holder:
Initiative - centre for education

ELA: Storrytelling centar Nizozemska and Europass SRL

Main goal:
To incorporate creative methods in work with adults.

Expected results:
Implementing new and creative methods in the work of the organizations involved, as well as improving the soft skills of employees within the three organizations. More specifically, Storytelling Centre and EUROPASS SRL are expected to implement parts of the Callan Method in teaching foreign languages to improve their work methods. The initiative will incorporate storytelling and creative writing in all segments of work. These methods will also be applied to work with asylum seekers for all three organizations, as well as their cultural integration programs.

Grant awarded: 30.125,00 €

Implentation duration: 30.06.2021 – 30.08.2022 (14 months)

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