
Erasmus KA2: Our first hosting experience in the LTT activity – Creativity for Innovation

Reflecting on last week.

Last week our organisation hosted its first ever LTT activity within the KA2 project.

The project Creativity for Innovation is a strategic partnership project that aims to share creative methods within three sectors: creativity, adult education and language schools.

The aim of last week was to show you the Callan Method and complementary activities that we use to boost students' confidence in learning the English language, as the main objective of the project is to implement creative and innovative methods in the work of the organisations involved.

There was a lot we had to cover. Monday’s session started with a meet&greet and icebreaker activities where we all got to know each other better.

We were hosting staff from Storytelling Centre Amsterdam and Europass Teacher Academy from Florence, Italy, for the whole week.

The session started with the main methodology, getting to know the Callan Method and its principals. Participants could learn how the Callan Method of learning was akin to learning a native language in children, and furthermore, why repetition and talking is so important.

The Callan Method is a method that can shock you at first. Feeding the answers to the students and not letting you think is something most of us are not ready for when we enter the classroom for the first time. But the initial surprise was overcome when everyone got a little more familiar with it and used to it throughout the week.

To ease the initial shock of the Callan Method, which can sometimes feel intense, especially in the beginning, a different type of city tour was planned for the afternoon – a witch tour.

Witches have a long and very well documented history in Zagreb, thanks to Marija Jurić Zagorka, a writer and female journalist from the 19th century. Her books portray women accused of witchcraft in a positive light. If you ever visit Zagreb, you will see that the legend of witches is incorporated in a lot of the capital's stories.

On Tuesday, the participants of the project took part in 2 workshops: a Grammar Refresher, an exercise that always helps our students get their English juices flowing, and a Small Talk workshop, something that is aimed at higher stages and people who want to improve their business skills.

The aim of these activities was to show a wide range of materials that we offer to our students outside of the Callan Method.

We also partook in a roundtable discussion and talked about the principals of the Callan Method and other activities that could be implemented in the work of our partners’ organisations.  The picture was still not clear on what to take from the Callan Method and how to implement it, so our job was to show the participants more depth to the method and all the possibilities it offers.

Proposed elements of the Callan Method to be incorporated into participants’ teaching styles were




Wednesday was reserved for our Book Club meeting. Prior to the LTT activity, at the first transnational meeting, we had agreed to incorporate Book Club as a part of the creative method of learning a language.

This adds another complementary activity to Callan. Here, students don’t have to follow the structure of the book, but can freely express their own ideas, feelings and reflect on the book in a more casual conversation, much like one that might have when they meet a friend. Book Club, needless to say, also improves their reading skills and understanding of the culture. 

The book we were talking about was Leonard and Hungry Paul by Ronan Hession and the session was moderated by our teacher Maria, and the topics we covered were family, isolation, friendship and mindfulness – all the main topics of the book.


On Wednesday we prepared a workshop on ICT tools in language learning and headed out to Sljeme. We took a short hike from Šestinski Lagvić to the newly restored Medvedgrad Castle. We had lunch at Sljeme, but had to leave some space for our evening activity – our Cook & Chat workshop.

The evening ended by watching the workshop at the school and eating all the lovely food we had prepared for the cultural night. There was traditional Italian Panettone and Italian sweet wine, some Croatian cheese and truffles with prosciutto, and wine again 😊

Friday was left for another session of the Callan Method and a demonstration of the exam. Here, some things finally clicked with the participants and they left hungry for more Callan demonstration, which we will incorporate in our future meetings.

To conclude the week, we had some evaluation and feedback where we heard that there is a lot more to explore in our school about the Callan Method, as well as our creative activities, and we are looking forward to hearing from our partners about what activities they want to implement in their own work.

Project partners:
The Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes


🇪🇺 The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.
Erasmus+ : Enriching lives, opening minds. ☺️

Step Up – KA 1 Erasmus+ projekt
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Teacher Training English Course in Zagreb
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Teacher Training English Course in Zagreb

Erasmus+  experience in Zagreb   (A wonderful Erasmus+ experience in Zagreb)


Our Erasmus participants flew from Spain to Zagreb to attend our English Course. Congratulations to Carmen Lagares García, Lucia i Daniel Pérez Mora from CEIP Virgen del Carmen on finishing our General English Course for Teachers with the Callan Method!


With the Callan Method for English language learning, our trained teachers make participants speak from the moment they enter the classroom. Our dynamic and fast-paced method is taught by native speakers who ask participants questions designed for their language proficiency. The teachers then assist learners in their answers and correct any inconsistencies in pronunciation, grammar usage and sentence structure.

Educator Adam about his experience with this lovely group:

“I had the privilege of working with Lucia and Daniel.

We concentrated on revision, new work, question construction, and auxiliary verbs (both primary and modals).

Their engagement in the Callan Method's revision and new work was noteworthy. They were eager not just to comprehend, but also to get it right and apply it in their own way.

It was enjoyable to work through the process of forming questions. Their originality shone through. It was a wonderful way for me to see and grasp their thought process, and it allowed us the opportunity to get to know one other better.

They were excellent at auxiliary verbs and understood how they aided the main verb. Tense, mood, voice, and modality were all incorporated. The auxiliary verbs have, has, and had were used in a variety of contexts.

It was a pleasure to meet them, and I wish them the best of luck and hope to work with them again in the near future.”


Daniel has also written blog about his Erasmus+ experience, which you can read here:

Día 7: Thank you Croatia (


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ERASMUS+ 2022 Programme

Are you interested in enrolling high quality, inclusive education, and training abroad? Do you want to learn, travel, and get to know other cultures in EU member states?

If you are a member of an educational organization you have an opportunity to participate in learning mobility activities for adults in European member countries through the ERASMUS+ 2022 programme.

Every year, organizations across Europe submit thousands of projects to receive Erasmus+ funding. The European Commission has established a transparent evaluation process aimed at providing grants for the best projects in its new Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2022. You can find the guide here.

This Program Guide is a great tool for anyone who wants to know thoroughly what Erasmus+ is all about. It is mainly intended for those who want to be participating organizations or individual participants. 

Key Points of the ERASMUS+ 2022 Programme

ERASMUS+ programme for the period 2021-2027 places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life. 

 The objectives of this program are to:

  • Promote equal opportunities and access, inclusion, and diversity, so that the participants with fewer opportunities can take part too.
  • Emphasize the importance of digital education for the digital transformation in education and training. Moreover, to encourage organizations to acquire digital skills and build their capacity to train and teach with the help of digital tools.
  • Build the knowledge, skills, and attitudes within participating organizations on climate change and support sustainable development within the European Union and beyond.
  • Support participation of the citizens in democratic life, common values, and civic engagement. Furrthermore, to help them overcome difficulties in actively engaging and participating in their communities as well as in the Union's political and social life.

If you are looking for a good training course provider and want to improve your English-speaking skills, look no further.

We offer courses in Croatia in Zagreb and Split for all levels of English, including Business English language course. 

Detailed information on our training be found here.

Dowload our new eBook: 10 Tips for a successful KA1 Erasmus+ experience

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Build A Marketing Plan For Your School – part 1

Let’s talk a little bit about why your school need a marketing plan.

I know most of you are already doing some kind of marketing, but do you have a plan? 

Marketing can be confusing! There are many different aspects to it, Facebook & Google – paid ads and social posting, Email marketing, SEO, Google ads etc. 

Do you know how to put the pieces together in a way that will generate your school more enrollment predictably and consistently?

You need a plan!

Most of you have some kind of social media presence, maybe a bit of email marketing or even some SEO too, but is it working for you? 

Posting for the sake of posting is not enough to get you, students. All it will do is spread some awareness about your school

Likewise, SEO will help your website to be found online, It won't guarantee that these students who come to your website will become your students. 

The Goal Of Your Marketing

The goal of a marketing plan is to help students find your school online; get them to know, like and trust your school as a brand and make it obvious to them that your school is the best option.

Once you have a plan, the different marketing elements have more meaning and different functionality, Social media is for getting your name out there like a personal billboard, Blogs become your newspapers, Youtube becomes your tv channel etc. 

A Marketing Plan That Works

We want to share the same marketing plan that we use. With this plan, you will be able to connect all the pieces in a way that will save you a lot of money. You will also be able to measure exactly, the results that you get. 

So if you spend 15 euros on paid Ads (Facebook or Adwords), you should be getting at least two students enquiries, 

You will get some valuable information going forward to get the most from your marketing. 

  • You will learn how much of a budget you need to have for your marketing plan, 
  • how much do you spend to acquire a student
  • How to recognize when things go wrong and how to fix them
  • What order to put the pieces together

Sequence Matters!

If you don't do things in the right order, then they are not going to work. So that's why you need a marketing plan.

We will show you how all the pieces together in a way that will get you the best results.

Otherwise, it will be like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something will stick.

The problem with this is that it won't really work and even if it does somehow, you won’t be able to recreate it. 

This system is called the customer value journey, and it's going to make marketing for your school so much easier. 

Watch the video below for part one 

A Marketing Plan For Your School (Part one)

Say goodbye to half-empty classes

Download our Essential Digital marketing checklist for schools

  • Improve your Website
  • Ideas for creating interesting content
  • Get more reviews for your school
  • Engage your students more
  •  Get more organic traffic to your website

Today the most strategic, helpful and empathic school wins!

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The 80/20 Rule: What To Put On Your Social Media

What to put on your social media? On your Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn newsfeed. It's a common question, and a lot of schools get it wrong. So the easiest way to explain how you do that is to tell you about the 80/20 rule.

The 80/20 Rule
The 80/20 rule is this 80% of what you put online on your social media should be good content, and 20% should be promotional posts about your school.

You should provide interesting and valuable content that helps people understand and learn about your teaching subjects.

To do this effectively, you should create a student avatar.
An avatar is a detailed description of your ideal students
It will include their point points and frustrations
Once you know their pain points, you can create content that addresses this,
If you have a language school, create blog posts or videos about grammar, pronunciation, typical mistakes.
Help your potential students with their problem points. By speaking with your current students, it is easy to compile a list of the top issues they have.

Your goal is to create good a connection with your followers, help them with their problems. Your content can be anything blogs, Videos, infographics etc.
But don't put out promotion after promotion, people don't care about your offers, and they will not come back to your social media page if this is all you offer there.. They will get bored very quickly If all you are doing is promoting yourself.
People only care about how you can help them.

So if you help your potential students by giving value first, they will be more well disposed towards you. They will see your school in a more positive light and associate it with solving their problems.
So keep it very simple

 Digital Marketing Mastery course

Confirmed dates Split 22-26.04.2024.

Join us in Split!

This course is perfect for anyone who is looking to improve their digital marketing skills and take their organization to the next level. 

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Get more reviews
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How To Ask Your Students To Leave a Google Review?

Insert Video

This is a quick video, so you can learn where to find your Google and Facebook review links. You will need to include one of these links in the email you send out to your students. Always try to build up your Google reviews first as there are more benefits with higher Google reviews than any other platform. Check you our last video on the benefits of Google reviews for your school.

More reviews on Google will 

  • Improve your SEO and your online visibility
  • Build brand awareness
  • Understand your students better (their feedback)
  • Generate more traffic to your site
  • Boost sales

If you don't have a website, then focus on Facebook reviews.

Emailing your Students for Reviews

Don't be shy when asking your students for reviews, most students are more than happy to leave a review. Recent studies have shown that if asked: "71% of consumers would be happy to leave a business a review".

Reviews are the key to attracting more students and growing your school so make it a big part of your marketing. 

How to ask your students for a review.

The easiest was is to email your students and ask them. Don' overthink it, a simple email will be enough

Subject: Quick question

Dear John,

I hope you are enjoying your course to date. Do you have any feedback for us

I want to ask you if you won't mind leaving our school a quick review on Google? 

It would only take a minute, please click here and you will be taken there directly

Please of you have time, can you mention the quality of the teachers, how you liked our method etc

If you have any questions, please contact me


Timing is everything

The key to getting more Google reviews is timing! If you get the timing right, you can increase the number of reviews you receive by up to 8 times!

The best time to ask a student to leave you  a review is when they are the most excited and engaged. This is usually a week or two into the course. You will have to play about with this to find the optimum time. New Students are more likely leave reviews that older ones because they are feeling the most grateful for your service. Asking at the optimum time can get 40% of your students to leave a review as opposed to approx. 10% of old students.

Check out our English Language courses for teachers and other Erasmus+ courses

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Digital Marketing, Erasmus, Uncategorized

How To Make The Most Of Your Google and Facebook Reviews!

What to do with your reviews?

Now that you have started generating more reviews, what yo do with them? Show them off as much as you can. 

We use a software call It costs $5 a month and it will allow you to display you reviews on your website with some great display widgets and badges. 

You can display your reviews like this:

Or badges like this

Where to put your reviews -

  • Add Reviews to Your Social Media Ads - Research shows that 88% of consumers believe ads are more trustworthy when they include online reviews. In addition, reviews-based ads get 4x higher click-through rates and a 50% drop in CPC than ads without reviews.
  • Put them all over your website: Put these reviews on homepage, your contact page, Blog page and on your description of your courses pages.
  • Include them in your emails: Put them in your newsletter, and on the footer of all your other emails.

Reviews are super important and will only become a bigger part of your schools sales process. Start collecting them now or your will fall behind your competitors. 

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Attract More Students With Google Reviews
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How to Attract More Students With Google Reviews Reviews

Google reviews and why your school needs them.

Amazon has trained all of us to check online reviews. Every time we buy something online, we check the reviews.

Hotels, when you book a hotel, you check the reviews.

Restaurants, you know, we check Trip advisor.

So why would your school be any different?

If you went to look for a hotel and came across a hotel with only two stars on Google reviews, you probably wouldn't book that hotel. With reviews for your school, it works in the same way! You really need lots of good reviews for your school.

So Let's take a look at why reviews are crucial to attracting new students.

Are you aware that 97% of customers read online reviews? almost half of them said they'll only trust a business with four stars and above.

With a single negative review, immediately, you can drop your sales from five to eight per cent. 94% of people said they avoided a business because of bad reviews, so they're essential.

So what are the benefits of having good reviews?

  • They increase social proof: 97% per cent of people said they check reviews before they even interact with a business.
  • They increase visibility, and reviews give you a better SEO.
    If you want to be on the top school in the Google Map Pack, you need reviews.
    If I Google language school near where I live in Google Maps, it will show me a list of all the schools nearby. The schools with the highest reviews are pushed to the top of this map pack. So if you want to be in the top three, you need good reviews, or otherwise, you're on page two, et cetera. They give you better SEO. Google rewards businesses with better reviews. It forms almost 20% of your SEO score.
  • They generate more trust for your school. So who would you trust more? A school that has between 0 reviews or five reviews? or a school with 100 plus reviews?
  • There are increasingly becoming a significant part of the final sales decision: So imagine a student  wants to go to school, but they don't know anybody who went there and that school had terrible reviews, They're probably not going to go there! But, If the same school had high reviews, it's an easier choice to make. People don't trust advertising anymore; we are becoming more skeptical of what we see and read. But reviews are basically what your students are saying about your school!
  • They're an excellent source of feedback from your students. You want to know what students are saying. Are they happy? Are they are unhappy? If they're unhappy, you need to do something about that. It's pointless sticking your head in the sand and pleading ignorance.

  • They are the actual proof of the quality of your school, and they have a clear impact on sales. More reviews have proven higher sales; Google has stated that a business with no reviews could double its sales with just five positive reviews.
    The image on the left is from a Google My Business account encouraging the the owner to go out and start getting  more reviews as it will attract more business

So how do you get more reviews?

You ask!
But keep the following in mind when you're asking for reviews.

  1. So firstly, have believable reviews.
    If you don't have reviews at the moment, you might be tempted to ask your friends to leave you some reviews! Please don't!
    Be careful! Because fake reviews sound inauthentic.
    It's better to get genuine reviews. They sound better. And like I said, they're more authentic.
  2. Ask often. Don't ask your students once, then leave it at that. You're going to have to ask your students again and again. Learn the best was to ask for reviews here
    So it'll be good if you put it on your emails when you are communicating with students, get your teachers to ask students to regularly leave reviews. You need to ask repeatedly
  3. Make it as easy as possible for your students to leave reviews for your school. If you send them an email asking for a review, include a link to your Google My Business page so they can leave your reviews very quickly.
    Please don't make your students work to give you reviews. 
  4. Give your students at least two platforms to leave your reviews. So Google is the most important, but Facebook is excellent as well.
  5. Respond to all the reviews that people leave you! The good, the bad and the indifference. Always respond to them. If you don't leave a response, the people who are reading these reviews will think you don't care about the feedback or unsatisfied students.
  6. One very important thing to keep in mind!
    Timing is crucial, so never ask your students for a review a couple of weeks after they've completed the course.
    Always ask them, you know, when they're most excited and when they're most engaged. So this is probably maybe a week into the course, and students are excited. So this is the best time to ask for reviews, and it will increase the response by up to eight times.

What to do with your reviews?

Show them out, put them on your website, put them in all your marketing materials. If you have good reviews, show them off, they will attract more students. 

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simle SEO
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Simple SEO For Blogs And Posts

Did you know that almost eighty percent of people looking for products or services will research the Web before making a purchase and of these seventy-five percent will not look past the first page of Google when making a decision about paying for that service or product?


This is why it’s very important to have your website or blog on the first page of a Google search if you want to sell your product or service. In this post I will show you how to plan an article using search engine optimization or SEO to help you get your article on the first page of Google search which accounts for ninety percent of all web searches


First of all, it’s important to know what Google wants when it decides which site will go on its first page. Google wants its users to find the best possible result for their search queries, which means that when a user types in a search term, Google will do its best to give that user the most relevant and high-quality result it can find.


So when writing an article, it’s important to think about what particular need the user has, must know the question before you provide the answer. This will help you structure an article that answers a particular user's needs instead of just writing an article for the sake of it.


One of the most important things to consider when writing an article is search intent, which means that when planning an article you must be clear about what information the user is looking for and structure your article in a way that gives the user exactly what they want. In this way, Google will see your article as a specific solution to a specific question and rank your article higher than less specific articles.


So how do we do this, the answer is keyword research. What are keywords? Keywords are simply words or terms that users type into Google search when looking for specific or general information about something. General terms or head keywords are search terms of three or fewer words that users type into Google when making general searches. These terms have very high volumes, i.e. many people search for them every month.


Because of this, these keywords are highly competitive and difficult to rank with as thousands of other websites will be trying to rank for them, also it’s difficult to find search intent because these terms are too general to see specific search intent. An example would be a user typing a term like “computer software.“ It would be difficult to find this user’s intent as he could be looking to buy software or to write his own software or he could be looking to sell software, until this user types in a more specific term, we have no idea what he is looking for.


This brings us to our next keyword term which is ”long-tail keywords” which are keyword terms of three or more words. These terms are much more specific and have a clearer search intent even though they have a much lower search volume. This also means that these keywords are much easier to rank for and more importantly they answer a specific user need, for example ”how to use Microsoft Excel.“ The person typing this keyword would be much more likely to read your article or buy your course if you provide an answer to this particular need.

So when planning an article, it’s important to be aware of both the general subject and specific need of the user and use head keywords and long-tail keywords within the text of our article. In this way, Google will find it much easier to rank our article. It’s important to remember to use these keywords naturally within the text and not just repeat them as often as possible as this is called keyword stuffing and will not be liked by Google. A good strategy would be to use the long-tail keyword in the title of our article as this answers the specific need of the user and use the head keyword within the text of the article as this shows Google the general subject the article falls within.


When looking for keywords and keyword ideas, we can use the Google search bar which will give us a number of similar keywords and also at the bottom of the search page we have related search terms which give us even more related terms. For a more detailed and targeted keyword search, we can use Google Keyword Planner or Neil Patel's Ubersuggest both of which are free to use. As I said earlier, we should try not to repeat the same keyword within the text, but rather use similar words of the same meaning which will make your article sound less repetitive and more interesting to read.


There are three things that Google considers when ranking an article, the first of which is relevance, this means that your article must be relevant to the specific keywords that you use and therefore relevant to the user’s keyword search.                                                  

The second element that Google considers is authority, this means that the more helpful and informative your article is, the higher Google will rank it.

The third thing that Google considers is volume, this is how many times a particular keyword is searched for in a month in Google. It is important to know when choosing keywords to use within our text as it's no good ranking for keywords that nobody is searching for, also the more times that your article is read and shared, the higher that Google will rank it.


In this first part of this blog series, I have summarised some of the concepts that should be considered when planning to write a blog or article and which will help you to rank higher in Google search. I hope this has been helpful and in the next part of this series I will be speaking about technical SEO which will further help you achieve higher rankings in Google search.


On Page S.E.O. Six Important Factors


1 Title Tag

This exists at the top of your article and lets users know what your article is about, it is also the clickable link on Google search that will lead people to your article and should contain your most important keyword or keywords. It's important that these keywords are relevant to the article as irrelevant keywords in the title tag can cause poor ranking in Google search. Also, it's important to avoid duplicate keywords in title tags as this can also negatively affect rankings.

 2 Meta Description

This is located directly below the title tag and provides a description of what the article is about, so it's important to put relevant keywords in this description as users will often click on an article by what they see here. It's also worth knowing that Google only allows 150 characters in this description so keep your description within this limit as Google truncates the description after this. Therefore, when writing a meta description it's important to keep it short and relevant to the article it describes.

3 Header Tags H1- H6

These are HTML elements and are used to identify headings and subheadings and also used to separate these headings on a webpage and help with readability and page organization. These help Google crawl a page and are good for SEO because they help improve user experience.

4 Main Body Text

As stated above, it’s important to consider the solution you are providing and the question you are answering before writing the main text of your article and then make a list of relevant keywords and their synonyms which you can incorporate naturally into your text while keeping in mind the solution you are providing to the user query, the more relevant and helpful your answer is, the more Google will like it.

5 Image Optimisation

Images are important in an article as they help improve reader experience and they also improve the user experience of visually impaired people when descriptive alt tags are used which accurately describe the image being used. Google also likes properly described alt tags which can contain keywords which are relevant to the image being described and this helps SEO in the article. When adding images to a page, it's important to use image formats which can load quickly and do not slow page speed which is an important SEO factor so make sure that your image file sizes are properly reduced so page loading speed is not compromised.

Using Yoast Plugin

All of the elements that are described in this article can be edited within this excellent free plugin which is designed with SEO for WordPress in mind and also works to improve many other SEO elements such as site maps, robots.txt files, breadcrumbs and so on. You can learn more by following this link Yoast for beginners.


I hope this article has been helpful and will help you rank better in Google.

Sean Honan

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Seven reasons why the Callan Method is the best method for learning English online

Seven reasons why the Callan Method is the best method for learning English online

In these post-Covid times, online language learning has brought adult students many benefits - the obvious ones being the ease of studying from home, flexibility around their schedules, and no parking or traffic issues.

However, with these conveniences comes a downside - studies show that online learning in virtual classrooms has some intrinsic issues.

Many language schools now realise that having classes online makes their students easily distracted, less focused and lowers their engagement. You see, by nature, online learning in virtual classrooms allows for way too many distractions. The teacher has an uphill battle; learning can be challenging, and the main reason for this is lack of focus. Keeping students focused in a traditional classroom setting has always been a big problem for teachers.

In a typical classroom setting, teachers can clearly observe who is engaged in their classes; they can move around the classroom and see what their students are doing. Students know they need to pay attention or the teacher will pull them up.

With online learning, the teacher competes with literally a million other online distractions, from students scrolling on their Facebook newsfeed or checking their emails. One of the main reasons is that most material hasn't been created with these challenges in mind. Many schools are not adapting to these new challenges, and the results are more unsatisfactory education results.

Seven reasons why the Callan Method is the best method for learning English online

One of the few exceptions to this is the Callan Method for learning English. This method is perfect for online language learning, and here are seven reasons why:

1. Increased Focus

The Callan Method lesson is based on a question-and-answer format. The teacher asks students at random to answer these questions. The student never knows when they will be asked a question. The teacher actively looks for the students that look least engaged and asks them questions. With traditional methods, it's the students' job to stay focused; with the Callan Method, it's the teacher's job to make sure they are focused.

2. Speaking all the time

In traditional classes, there is limited time for the students to speak, which means there are plenty of opportunities to get distracted. The Callan Method's approach to learning a language is to make the students speak as much as possible. They are focused on listening to the questions when they are not speaking, ready to answer when asked.

3. Dynamic teaching approach

The Callan Method is a fast and dynamic way to learn English. It's more like a game than traditional learning, which is why it has such a high success rate. This is why children learn faster - because it's fun. The teachers speak at 200-230 words a minute; this speed mimics the speech pattern of native speakers. This approach of asking questions all the time and randomly nominating students to answer ensures that the students have no time during a lesson to do anything else but pay attention and learn.

Do you want to speak English fearlessly?

Sign up for our Online Course

 and start speaking without mental blocks!

Start speaking with native speakers immediately!

Learn to think in English!

4. Speeds up your reflexes

We have all experienced a time when we were stuck for words, especially in another language. With the fast dynamic approach of the Callan Method, the students’ recall becomes a lot faster. The methodology is based on automatically constructing sentences without overthinking, and relying on your long term memory to get it right, which it does.

5. Overcoming your fear of speaking

For many students, shyness and fear of speaking is a big problem. With the Callan Method, these fears are the first thing that go. Students have to get used to speaking in front of their classmates all the time in a slightly exaggerated setting. Because of this, speaking English outside of the classroom becomes stress-free and a lot easier.

6. Instant correction and repetition

In a Callan Method lesson, there is a lot of repetition of the material to understand it and remember it better. Also, the students are constantly corrected every time they make a mistake. This repetition and instant correction allow the teacher to listen and correct each student as much as possible.

7. Equal student speaking time

One of the biggest challenges in any classroom is to make sure the quiet students partake in speaking as much as the more outgoing students. With the Callan Method, each student gets equal talking time to ensure the class moves forward together.

If you are not satisfied with your current way of learning English, then definitely give the Callan Method a try! You will be surprised not only with how much your focus and engagement will increase but how well you will begin to start speaking English

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