Traditional language learning versus Embodied language learning
English, Erasmus, Erasmus blogs

Embodied Language Teaching: A New Approach to Language Learning

Traditional language learning versus Embodied language learning
In language teaching, the traditional methods often focus on book-based learning
and rote memorization. However, an emerging approach called "Embodied Language
Teaching" suggests that learning through the body can be more effective. This
method involves using physical activities and body movements to enhance
understanding and retention of language.

Why Embodied Language Teaching?
Research shows that integrating physical activities in language learning can lead to:
- Increased motivation and engagement
- Faster comprehension of vocabulary and grammar
- Greater capacity to remember and reuse language
- Improved awareness of pronunciation and self-correction
- Deeper understanding of intonation and natural self-expression
- Increased confidence and better communication skills

Introducing Embodied language teaching into lessons.

Here are some ways to include Embodied language teaching:

1. “Self-portrait”. Students draw a picture of themselves and show where language is in their body. This great at any level and really helps students connect physically with the concept of language.

2. “Using Body Language”. As teachers, we naturally use our bodies to clarify instructions, support input, and answer students' questions. For example, when instructing students to "Open your books to page 7" or "Discuss in pairs," use gestures to enhance understanding.

3. “Teaching Intonation”. Intonation is critical in language learning and can vary in difficulty depending on the student's native language. It’s important to match how you sound to the words coming out of your mouth, especially in theEnglish language!

4. “Pronunciation Practice”. This is an area that often gets overlooked intraditional language teaching (except with the Callan Method). Just spending afew minutes per class working on pronunciation challenges can make a hugedifference! Make it fun with exercises like: Chip vs. cheap, Ship vs. sheep,Thirteen vs. thirty or Woman vs. women.

5. “Embodied Grammar”. There is absolutely no reason why grammar should be boring! Incorporate physical activities to teach various grammatical concepts such as:- Verbs: Use actions like clapping or listening.- Adverbs: Demonstrate with actions such as moving slowly or quietly.- Adjectives: Show through physical examples, e.g., standing tall or pretending to taste something delicious.- Tenses: Use body movements to illustrate different tenses, like miming past actions.- Pronouns and Prepositions: Physically show possession (mine) or location(in, on).

Conclusion – Death to Boring Language Learning!Embodied Language Teaching is a dynamic and interactive approach that can significantly enhance language learning. By incorporating physical activities and body movements, students not only learn faster but also retain information better, ultimately leading to improved communication skills.

Anita May Dijakovic

This project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme.

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My Erasmus experience in Barcelona
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My Erasmus experience in Barcelona

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend an Erasmus course in Barcelona, focusing on the use of digital tools in the classroom. I would like to share my knowledge on how digital tools can help us create more efficient, fun, and engaging lessons.

During the course, I learnt how to use digital tools to enhance the four language skills as well as how to create interactive learning resources to improve students’ grammar and vocabulary. I discovered digital storytelling apps and I learned how to transform traditional worksheets into interactive exercises that students can do online.

The platforms I was introduced to allow students to create presentations and personal stories and enable teachers to create beautiful, interactive lessons. These platforms integrate game elements into educational activities, which makes our lessons more enjoyable. I also learned how to use digital tools to create lesson plans with the help of AI.

I am very happy to implement these digital tools, which I believe will create more dynamic lessons, ensuring that students stay engaged and motivated.

My time in Barcelona was an unforgettable cultural experience. Connecting and collaborating with teachers from around the world outside of the classroom, in museums and parks, was a great learning opportunity. We shared what we knew about digital tools, which helped us grow together. Barcelona is a city rich in culture, with vibrant lifestyle and amazing architecture, and it truly left a lasting impression on me. Exploring the city was incredibly refreshing and inspiring experience I will always remember.

I highly recommend this course to any teacher looking to enhance their teaching skills with digital tools.

Laura Pavoković

This project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme.

Erasmus+ enriching lives, broadening minds.

@Agencija za mobilnost

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unlocking global perspective
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Unlocking Global Views: The Importance of the European Dimension in Course Design and Instruction

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, fostering a global mindset has become paramount. Enhancing the European Dimension in Teaching and Learning Course stands as a beacon for educators and professionals eager to enrich their teaching practices with a robust European dimension. This transformative course holds immense importance for a diverse audience and contributes significantly to the educational journey of those seeking to broaden their horizons.

In an increasingly interconnected world, educators must go beyond the boundaries of their local classrooms. This Course serves as a gateway to understanding and implementing European educational frameworks, policies, and cultural diversity. This knowledge is not just an academic pursuit; it's a practical necessity in preparing students for the globalized world they will navigate.

Who Is It Important For?

  • Educators: For teachers, the course opens up avenues to infuse their lessons with a rich European perspective. It empowers them to create inclusive classrooms that celebrate cultural diversity, preparing students to thrive in a multicultural society.
  • Education Professionals: School administrators, curriculum developers, and educational leaders will find immense value in understanding European frameworks. This knowledge equips them to make informed decisions that align with global educational standards.
  • Professionals in Adult Education: Those involved in adult education activities can leverage the course to address the specific challenges faced by the Roma community, characterized by low skills and high unemployment. The course provides strategies to enhance vocational education and adult learning opportunities.
  • Technology Enthusiasts: With a focus on digital tools for collaboration, the course is particularly relevant for educators eager to leverage technology for cross-border projects. It introduces practical applications and platforms that facilitate seamless collaboration in a digital landscape.

The Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Join Our Split Erasmus+ English Courses for Teachers

What Does It Contribute?

  • Cultural Enrichment: The course contributes to a more culturally enriched educational experience. By understanding and appreciating the diverse cultures within Europe, educators can create inclusive learning environments that prepare students for a globalized workforce.
  • Global Collaboration: The emphasis on collaborative learning and networking equips participants with the skills to engage in international collaborations. This not only broadens perspectives but also fosters a sense of shared responsibility in addressing global challenges.
  • Practical Application of Knowledge: The hands-on nature of the course ensures that participants don't just gain theoretical knowledge but also practical skills. From creating sample lesson plans to designing collaborative projects, the course encourages immediate application in the classroom.
  • Professional Development: The course acts as a catalyst for professional development, offering insights into ongoing opportunities, conferences, and workshops related to the European dimension in education. Participants leave not just with a certificate but with a roadmap for continuous growth.

By delving into European educational frameworks, policies, and cultural diversity, educators and professionals are not merely gaining knowledge; they are acquiring tools to sculpt a future-ready generation. The course's emphasis on inclusivity and collaboration creates a ripple effect, fostering environments where students are not just learners but global citizens.

Check out our English Language courses for teachers and other Erasmus+ courses

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Erasmus KA1 Course in Zagreb: The Future of Storytelling in Education
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Erasmus KA1 Course in Zagreb: The Future of Storytelling in Education

Erasmus KA1 Course in Zagreb: The Future of Storytelling in Education

Anticipating the Erasmus KA1 Course in Zagreb: The Future of Storytelling in Education

This upcoming winter, educators from across Europe are gearing up for a transformative experience in Zagreb, the city renowned for hosting one of the best Christmas markets in Europe. The Erasmus KA1 course, scheduled to take place amidst the festive ambiance, promises to be a game-changer. The primary objective of this forthcoming project is to fortify organisations involved in adult education, focusing on alternative teaching methods trough storytelling.

Storytelling's Revival: Charting Its Impact on Tomorrow's Education

Storytelling, an age-old human craft, is poised to reclaim its pivotal role in the educational landscape. Educators attending the course will delve deep into the question: How can the timeless art of storytelling be harnessed for contemporary learning and advancement? The Storytelling Centre's perspective is that the integration of this skill in education is not merely an option but a necessity for holistic learning. By sharing stories and weaving collective narratives, educators can foster human connections, facilitate personal and professional growth, and enhance learning and integration outcomes.

The course is expected to introduce various techniques, including the storytelling pillar, "Tree of Life." Participants will be guided on how to apply exercises in 5 phases to elevate storytelling:

Teambuilding - Fostering trust and camaraderie among participants.

Creativity - Igniting innovative thought processes and idea generation.

Awareness - Cultivating self-awareness and understanding the audience.

Storytelling - Mastering the art of crafting and sharing impactful narratives.

Evaluation - Reflecting on the storytelling journey and its implications.

In a world where digitalization often takes centre stage, the Erasmus KA1 course in Zagreb aims to remind us of the enduring power of human stories. As educators prepare to converge in this historic city, there's palpable excitement about rediscovering the magic of storytelling and its potential to revolutionise education.

📚 Unleash the Magic of Storytelling!

🌟 Join Our Course for Teachers & Educators Today! 🎭📖

🎓 Key Course Highlights 🎓

🔸 Master the Art of Engaging Narratives

🔸 Develop Creative Teaching Techniques

 🔸 Enhance Communication & Connection

🔸 Foster Critical Thinking in Students

🔸 Create Lasting Educational Impact


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Supporting Diversity with Erasmus Plus: Navigating the Challenges of Intercultural Classroom Management
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Supporting Diversity with Erasmus Plus: Navigating the Challenges of Intercultural Classroom Management

Supporting Diversity with Erasmus Plus

Diversity in the classroom is an ever-present reality in today's globalised world. Teachers around the globe face the unique challenge of managing intercultural classrooms, where students come from a wide array of cultural backgrounds, bringing with them varying perspectives, experiences, and needs. This blog will explore the importance of supporting diversity in education and the challenges teachers encounter when managing intercultural classrooms. We will also delve into the role of Erasmus Plus in promoting diversity and providing tools to navigate these challenges.

The Significance of Supporting Diversity

 Why is Diversity Important in Education?

Diversity in the classroom brings numerous benefits that extend beyond the academic realm. It enriches the educational experience by:

1. **Promoting Inclusivity:** A diverse classroom fosters an inclusive atmosphere where students from all backgrounds feel valued and respected.

2. **Enhancing Critical Thinking:** Exposure to different viewpoints encourages students to think critically, question assumptions, and develop a more comprehensive understanding of complex issues.

3. **Cultural Competence:** Interacting with peers from diverse backgrounds equips students with essential cultural competence, a crucial skill in our globalised world.

4. **Preventing Stereotyping and Prejudice:** Diversity helps break down stereotypes and prejudices by promoting student empathy and understanding.

Challenges of Intercultural Classroom Management

While the benefits of diversity are undeniable, managing an intercultural classroom can be a complex endeavour. Here are some key challenges teachers may encounter:

Language Barriers

Language differences can impede effective communication, making engaging students in the learning process challenging. Teachers must find ways to bridge these language gaps.

Cultural Misunderstandings

Cultural norms and practices vary widely, leading to potential misunderstandings and conflicts in the classroom. Teachers need to navigate these cultural differences sensitively.

Diverse Learning Styles

Students from different cultures may have varying learning styles and preferences. Educators must adapt their teaching methods to accommodate these differences.

Inclusive Curriculum

Creating an inclusive curriculum that reflects the diversity of the classroom can be challenging. Teachers need resources and training to develop materials that resonate with all students.

Erasmus Plus: Supporting Diversity in Education

The Role of Erasmus Plus

Erasmus Plus, the European Union's education, training, youth, and sports program, is vital in promoting diversity in education. It offers teachers, educators, and students opportunities to engage in international experiences that foster cross-cultural understanding and competence.

Erasmus Plus Supporting Diversity Initiatives

Erasmus Plus offers various initiatives and projects designed to support diversity in education:

Teacher Training Programs

Erasmus Plus provides funding for teacher training programs focusing on intercultural classroom management. These programs equip educators with the skills and knowledge to effectively teach in diverse settings

Student Exchange Programs

Through student exchange programs, Erasmus Plus allows students to study abroad, exposing them to different cultures and perspectives. This firsthand experience enhances their intercultural competence.

Inclusive Curriculum Development

Erasmus Plus supports projects aimed at developing inclusive curricula that reflect the diversity of the student body. These initiatives ensure that all students can see themselves represented in the materials they study.

Join us in Zagreb

Discover innovative strategies to create inclusive and diverse classrooms. 

Join our course for educators in multicultural settings. Explore intercultural communication, anti-discrimination laws, storytelling and more


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Benefits of Erasmus Plus Supporting Diversity

Engaging with Erasmus Plus initiatives has several advantages for educators and students:

Professional Development: Teachers participating in Erasmus Plus programs gain valuable skills and experiences that enhance their teaching abilities, especially in diverse classrooms.

Enhanced Cultural Competence: Students participating in student exchange programs develop a broader understanding of different cultures, fostering tolerance and empathy.

Global Perspective: Exposure to diverse perspectives through Erasmus Plus initiatives prepares students to thrive academically and professionally in a globalised world.

Supporting diversity in education is not without its challenges, especially in the context of intercultural classroom management. However, embracing diversity brings invaluable benefits, enriching the educational experience for all. Erasmus Plus is pivotal in promoting diversity and equipping educators and students with the tools to navigate these challenges successfully. We can create more inclusive, empathetic, and globally competent educational environments by embracing diversity and engaging with Erasmus Plus initiatives.

Check out our English Language courses for teachers and other Erasmus+ courses

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Erasmus plus Adventure
Erasmus, Erasmus blogs, Projects

My Erasmus plus Adventure: A Transformative Educational Journey in Malaga

The 4 Cs: More Than Just Buzzwords

I recently returned home from a rich educational journey that I'm certain will have a lasting impact on my further work and personal development. The course, aptly named "The 4 Cs," delved deep into the essential pillars of Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking. Generously funded by the Erasmus+ initiative, these aren't merely trendy buzzwords but foundational life skills that are universally beneficial. This Erasmus+ adventure was a deep dive into skills that are not just theoretical but highly applicable in everyday life.

An Erasmus+ Adventure in Malaga: Where Learning Meets Personal Connection

I was fortunate to spend an enriching six days in the picturesque city of Malaga, situated in the heart of Spain's Andalusian region. Orchestrated by the highly competent Idevelop team based in Seville, this Erasmus+ adventure was nothing short of exceptional. Our trainer was not just an expert in the subject matter but also had an uncanny ability to connect with us on a personal level. Given that we were a compact group, the entire learning experience felt incredibly tailored, intimate, and personalized. We engaged in a series of thought-provoking exercises and meaningful discussions, with a special emphasis on honing our critical thinking abilities and mastering the art of non-violent communication. This Erasmus+ adventure was a catalyst for both professional and personal transformation.

Practical Application: The Real-World Impact

What set this course apart was its practical orientation. It wasn't just a theoretical exercise; we had ample opportunities to apply these invaluable skills in real-world teaching and learning facilitation scenarios. The course also served as a reflective mirror, prompting me to introspect about my limitations and biases. Confronting these aspects of oneself is never comfortable, but it's an essential step in personal growth and self-improvement. 

Exploring Malaga: The Cultural Bonus of My Erasmus+ Adventure

When the academic day came to a close, Malaga offered its own set of unforgettable experiences. The city is a treasure trove of historical landmarks, ranging from the majestic Alcazaba Fort to the enlightening Picasso Museum. Exploring Malaga is akin to stepping into a vivid, interactive history lesson. And let's not forget the culinary delights! The local cuisine was a gastronomic adventure featuring almonds, olives, avocados, and an array of aromatic Spanish spices.


In summary, this Erasmus+ adventure is a must-attend for anyone who interacts with a diverse student body and aims to elevate their pedagogy and effective communication skills. When you combine that educational richness with Spain's cultural and scenic beauty, the result is far more than just an instructional course. It transforms into a life-altering Erasmus+ adventure that will undoubtedly influence both my future professional endeavors and personal growth.

Dženana Kalamujić

 This project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme.

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Unlock Your English Potential and Create Unforgettable Memories in Split, Croatia 🌟🇭🇷
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Unlock Your English Potential and Create Unforgettable Memories in Split, Croatia

Unlock Your English Potential and Create Unforgettable Memories in Split, Croatia 🌟🇭🇷

Are you looking for a quick and efficient way to improve your English language skills? An English Callan course in Split through Erasmus KA1 might be just what you need! With the Callan Method, you'll learn English quickly and easily, all while enjoying the beautiful surroundings of Split and making new friends from around the world. And the best part? It's just one week long!

The benefits of studying with the Callan Method are numerous. With the dynamic and fast-paced teaching approach, you'll speak as much as possible, building your fluency and confidence. The method is designed to mimic the speech pattern of native speakers, so you'll practice speaking and listening in a natural way. The instant correction and repetition will help you to quickly identify and correct any mistakes, ensuring that you progress quickly and effectively.

And the best part of studying an intensive Callan course in Split through Erasmus KA1 is that you'll be doing it all while enjoying a beautiful holiday in one of Europe's most stunning destinations. Split is a city full of history, culture, and natural beauty. During your week-long stay, you'll have the opportunity to explore all that Split has to offer, from sampling the local cuisine to taking part in cultural activities and experiencing the vibrant nightlife.

By the end of the week, you'll feel a new level of confidence when speaking English, and you'll be able to express yourself more clearly and accurately. You'll have developed lightning-fast reflexes, allowing you to recall words and phrases quickly and easily. And best of all, you'll have had an unforgettable holiday experience in one of Europe's most beautiful destinations.

So why wait? Sign up for an intensive Callan course in Split through Erasmus KA1 today and start your journey towards improved English language skills and an unforgettable holiday experience!

The Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Join Our Split Erasmus+ English Courses for Teachers

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KA1 Teacher Training: Master English with the Callan Method in Split, Croatia
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KA1 Teacher Training: Master English with the Callan Method in Split, Croatia

Boost Your English Skills Through KA1 Teacher Training in Split

Are you a teacher seeking to enhance your English language proficiency? Discover the unique and effective Callan Method in the stunning setting of Split, Croatia, and say goodbye to conventional language learning methods that fall short.

The Callan Method: A Game-Changing Approach to Language Learning

The Callan Method, designed by Robin Callan in the 1960s, transforms language learning into an engaging game, keeping you motivated and focused throughout your journey. This innovative method, employed by thousands of students worldwide, emphasizes spoken English and conversation practice, allowing you to develop your language skills quickly.

Rapid Progress and Improved Pronunciation

One of the key advantages of the Callan Method is the swift progress students experience due to its strong focus on speaking and listening. As you constantly engage in conversation and practice correct pronunciation, you'll gain the confidence to use English in real-life situations.

A Highly Structured and Interactive Learning Experience

The Callan Method's structured approach combines vocabulary and grammar mastery with speaking and listening practice. This unique blend of elements ensures an effective language learning experience for students of all levels.

Maintain Focus and Track Your Progress

The Callan Method's interactive exercises and misdirection tactics help maintain your focus during lessons. Its structured nature also allows you to monitor your progress easily.

Discover the Beauty of Split, Croatia While Learning English

Immerse yourself in the language and culture of Split, Croatia, as you master English through the Callan Method. This picturesque coastal city, with its rich history and vibrant atmosphere, provides the ideal environment for language learning.

Boost Your Confidence and Create Lasting Memories

As you improve your English skills, you'll also gain confidence in your communication abilities, thanks to the Callan Method's emphasis on conversation practice. Moreover, the memories you create while learning in Split will make your language learning experience even more unforgettable.

Conclusion: Experience the Callan Method in Split, Croatia

Embrace the opportunity to learn English with the Callan Method through KA1 teacher training in Split, Croatia. Enhance your language proficiency, grow your communication confidence, and create lifelong memories in this beautiful city. With the Callan Method, you'll be speaking English confidently in no time!

Unlock the doors to a world of opportunity  and join us on a journey of discovery and fun in beautiful Croatia!

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Join us in Split or Zagreb

Our English Course has one goal, and that is to free you from your fear of speaking English! 

  • native speakers  
  • full immersion course 
  • dynamic and interactive classes

The Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Join Our Split Erasmus+ English Courses for Teachers

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Learn English in Croatia with Erasmus+
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Learn English in Croatia with Erasmus+

A New Language and Adventure Combined

Are you looking for a chance to improve your English while enjoying a sun-soaked Summer adventure? Look no further than the Learn English in Croatia with Erasmus+ program, which provides the opportunity to learn English with Native speakers in one of Europe's most stunning nations. 

Enroll in a Callan Method English course to learn in a lively, engaging setting while being surrounded by beautiful tourist attractions and English-speaking locals.

Why Use the Callan Method to Learn English?

The Callan method is a fast-paced, organized, and effective method of learning English that has been around for more than 50 years. With a focus on improving speaking abilities, this method gives students the self-assurance to actively participate in discussions and increase their fluency.

To achieve optimum retention, the method is led by native English speakers and places an emphasis on repetition and active engagement. To help you overcome your anxiety of speaking in front of others and to enhance your grammar, pronunciation, and sentence structure, the teachers are qualified to offer real-time comments and adjustments.

Have an unforgettable Adventure in Croatia with Erasmus Plus

Have the best of both worlds, while you enhance your English skills, you will also have the opportunity to explore the beautiful tourist destinations of Zagreb or Split. These cities are bustling with locals who are more than happy to practice their English with tourists. Also with so many other tourists around you will have plenty of chances to practise your English.

You'll also have the opportunity to try new foods, immerse yourself in local culture, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Why Split

Split is a city of great beauty and rich history. It was founded as a Greek colony in the 3rd century BC and was later conquered by the Romans. The city is now a UNESCO World Heritage site, with a wealth of ancient architecture and cultural landmarks. The Palace of Diocletian, an ancient fortress that now serves as a museum and a cultural center, is a must-visit destination. In addition to the historical and cultural attractions, Split is also known for its delicious food and wine. The local cuisine includes fresh seafood, locally grown vegetables, and a variety of Mediterranean spices.

The city also serves as a gateway to some of the most beautiful islands in the Adriatic, such as Hvar, Brac, and Vis, which are known for their pristine beaches, crystal clear waters, and lively nightlife. A visit to Split is sure to be an unforgettable experience that combines language learning with adventure, history, and culinary delights.

Read Top 10 reasons to go to Split with Erasmus+

The Perfect Destination for Teachers and Educators

The purpose of this Erasmus+ course is to give teachers and other educators the resources they need to gain confidence in speaking English in a professional capacity. It is also perfect for anyone looking to advance professionally or personally by honing their language abilities.

The training is intended for intermediate and advanced English speakers, and participants will be assessed before the course even starts on their language skills. The course will be adjusted to your level based on the results to make sure that everyone gets the most out of their experience.

Achieving Confidence and Fluency

The course's objective is to provide participants with the knowledge and abilities they need to speak English fluently and with confidence. You will actively participate in English conversations and workshops throughout the course, and you will receive instruction from qualified teachers on how to employ proper pronunciation and sentence structure.

Additionally, you will have the chance to develop your written communication skills for emails and letters as well as your spoken communication abilities for meetings, calls, and presentations. With the help of the Callan Method, you will be able to achieve fluency and confidence in your English speaking abilities in a short period of time.

The Cost of Adventure and Learning

The course participation fee is 480,00 EUR (covered by Erasmus plus fund) and includes all course materials, training and activities in the beautiful tourist destinations of Zagreb and Split.

Find out more about the Erasmus+ program, our organization and trainers, and payment options by visiting our website.

the Erasmus+ program provides a unique opportunity for teachers and educators to improve their English skills and immerse themselves in an unforgettable adventure in Croatia. Join the Callan Method English course and take the first step towards a journey of language and adventure!

Unlock the doors to a world of opportunity  and join us on a journey of discovery and fun in beautiful Croatia!

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Check out our English Language courses for teachers and other Erasmus+ courses

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Split with Erasmus+
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Top 10 reasons to go to Split with Erasmus+

What makes a great Erasmus+ programme? Is it the innovative courses, the breathtaking location, or the inspiring people you meet along the way?

Well we would like to suggest to go to Split, Croatia with Erasmus+ this Summer for the above reasons. Our Erasmus+ offerings encompass all these elements and more, promising an educational journey that's as enriching as it is unforgettable. Here are 10 reasons why to go to Split for your Erasmus+ programme this Summer

1. Explore Diocletian’s Palace - an ancient Roman palace located in Split. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a must-see and offers visitors the opportunity to explore its many chambers, courtyards, and subterranean chambers. 

2. Taste the Local Cuisine - Split offers a unique mix of regional Croatian and Mediterranean cuisine. Try some of the local specialties such as Dalmatian pašticada, pršut and cheese, as well as fresh seafood.

3. Enjoy the Beaches - the crystal clear Adriatic Sea and its numerous beaches make Split a great destination for lovers of the sun and sea. Relax on the sandy beach at Bačvice or go for a swim at pebble beach, Kašjuni. 

4. Go Island Hopping - Split is a great base for exploring nearby islands. Take a day trip to the picturesque islands of Brač and Hvar, or take a ferry to stunning Korčula. 

Learn to Speak English Confidently with Native Speakers in Beautiful Croatia! 

5. Visit Marjan Forest Park - a large, wooded hill on the west side of Split. Take some time to explore the many trails, scenic views, and churches in this beautiful park. 

6. Try the Local Wine - Croatia is known for its delicious wines, and Split offers some of the best. Visit a local winery to sample the local wines and find your new favourite. 

7. Appreciate the Architecture - Split’s architecture is a mix of old and new. Take a stroll through the old town and appreciate its Baroque and Gothic buildings, and modern structures. 

8. Discover the History - Split has a rich history, from ancient Roman times to the present day. Take a tour of the historic sites and learn about Split’s past. 

9. Participate in Festivals - Split is full of festivals throughout the year. Join in the fun and take part in the celebrations of art, music, food, and culture. 

10. Experience the Nightlife - Split offers a vibrant nightlife scene with a mix of bars, clubs, and pubs. Spend a night out on the town!

Unlock the doors to a world of opportunity  and join us on a journey of discovery and fun in beautiful Croatia!

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